Why I started Mkazipreneur!

During childhood, our parents advised us to study very hard, finish university, and get a job. However, they did not prepare us for the fact that current jobs are contractually based compared to the jobs that entitled them to “permanent” contracts. The world has and continues to change rapidly, It’s tough for an organization to give you a permanent contract, if you’re working for one that offered you a lifetime work contract, you are lucky my friend! I have had an opportunity to work for an organization for a couple of years now, with contract renewal done annually. At the start of the year, we all panic as we await our fate. Over the years, I have watched colleagues tremble when their contracts are not renewed. This forced me to explore my entrepreneurial mindset, I started a side business to act as a fallback solution just in case I woke up to no contract renewal. Let me share with you something to ponder on; about 60% of Uganda’s population is between the ages of 13 and 30, with more than 50 percent below the age of 18, according to World Bank data from 2014. Every year at University graduation ceremonies, we witness over 400,000 young people enter the job market, for a mere 9,000 new jobs each year. This clearly highlights Uganda’s great challenge — youth unemployment. There aren’t enough jobs to match the graduates, so most resort to vulnerable employment, small-scale, formal, and informal entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a good contributor to the economic development of any country. It is indeed one of the largest sections for capital accumulation. You know, they say entrepreneurship is a lonely journey, I can attest to that. In the entrepreneurship field, I have had a chance to interact and engage with a number of people, mainly youth and women. I picked a particular interest in women because I easily relate to them. I have listened to their stories, wins, grievances, and struggles. Most have ideas on how to improve and expand their businesses but lack the skills or linkages to market to sell their products. Many do not have access to finance, business support services, and mentors. Lack of confidence and entrepreneurial drive, socio-cultural restrictions, fear of failure, and lack of training are other issues I identified. The fact is women start businesses at two times the rate of men. While women are starting more businesses than men, these factors make it harder for them to thrive I created Mkazipreneur because I want business owners to have a platform offering affordable resources, advice, motivation, events, and a supportive community to lean on. I hope the platform can encourage unemployed women to venture into entrepreneurship, create positive change in the community, save collectively, swap ideas, and teach each other new skills. I am genuinely and truly happy for another woman’s success. I believe in giving back and placing people in a position to win. It is powerful to brainstorm ideas with a group of like-minded women, it feels natural to generously support other women instead of competing for the limited number of spots at the top I have found great fulfillment and freedom working with and mentoring women entrepreneurs and I can’t wait to do more!